Taibo Bacar uses the finest fabrics and textiles to create his luxury fashion masterpieces. Here are tips on how to look after your luxurious clothing.

How to Look After Your Luxury Fashion Items

Proper Care Tips for your Luxury Garments and Accessories 

How to Take Care of Your Luxury Fashion Items

By AFI Insider

Luxury garments and accessories are not only expensive, but also often made of delicate and rare fabrics that require exceptional care and attention. If you want to keep your luxury items looking their best for as long as possible, you need to follow some simple but effective tips on how to take proper care of them.  

Here are some of the main points you should consider: 

Know Your Fabrics 

Different fabrics have different characteristics and needs when it comes to cleaning, drying, ironing, and storing. For example, silk is a natural protein fibre that is sensitive to heat, light, and water, while cashmere is a soft wool that can shrink or pill if not handled gently. You should always check the care label on your garment or accessory before washing or treating it and follow the instructions carefully. If you are not sure how to care for a certain fabric, it is better to consult a professional dry cleaner. 

Kaylaamiel Creations uses the finest cotton and linen to create her fashion masterpieces. Here are tips to look after your luxury garments.

Kaylaamiel Creations uses the finest cotton and linen to create her fashion masterpieces. Here are tips to look after your luxury garments.  SHOP: Kaylaamiel Creations 

Use the Right Products and Tools 

When washing your luxury garments, use mild detergents specially formulated for delicate fabrics. Avoid using bleach, fabric softeners, or harsh chemicals that can damage the fibres or cause discoloration. Additionally, use appropriate tools for drying and ironing your garments, such as wooden hangers, mesh bags, drying racks, steamers, or irons with low heat settings. Never wring, twist, or rub your luxury items, as this can cause stretching, tearing, or fading. 

Store Your Luxury Items Properly 

One of the most important aspects of luxury garment care is how you store them when not in use. Fold your knitwear and sweaters, and hang your dresses, jackets, and coats on sturdy hangers that match the shape of the shoulders. Protect your garments from dust, moisture, and insects by using breathable garment bags or boxes made of cotton or linen. Avoid using plastic bags or containers that can trap moisture and cause mould or mildew. Store your garments in a cool, dry, and dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources that can fade or damage the fabrics. 

LaaniRaani creates unique luxury garments using repurposed fabrics from old Indian saris, ties and jackets. SHOP: LaaniRaani

Treat Stains and Spills Immediately 

Accidents happen, and sometimes your luxury garments may get stained or spilled on by food, drinks, makeup, or other substances. The key to removing stains is to act fast and use the right method for the type of stain and fabric. Always blot the stain gently with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then, apply a stain remover that is suitable for the fabric. Never rub or scrub the stain, as this can spread it further or damage the fabric. Test the stain remover on a small inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not cause any adverse reactions. If the stain is stubborn or old, consider taking your garment to a professional dry cleaner for expert treatment. 

Accessible African Luxury: Imprint ZA's Jacquard Turtleneck Swing Dress with ruffles on sleeves and hem.

Accessible African Luxury: Imprint ZA's Jacquard Turtleneck Swing Dress with ruffles on sleeves and hem. SHOP: Imprint ZA

Repair Any Damage Promptly 

Even with proper care and handling, your luxury garments may suffer from wear and tear over time, such as loose buttons, broken zippers, ripped seams, or holes. Regularly inspect your garments for any signs of damage and repair them as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration. You can either fix them yourself if you have the necessary skills and tools or take them to a tailor or seamstress for professional mending. Additionally, consider investing in basic sewing supplies such as needles, thread, scissors, buttons and hooks. 

Shop the finest Pan-African Luxury from House of Nala Sandton City and the AFI Online Store

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